Pink Boots Uncorking CBC: Brewing up Vegas Vibes!

Posted By: Angi Thomas Community, Industry,

The Brewers Association Craft Beer Conference (CBC) in Las Vegas was nothing short of electrifying. From insightful sessions to meaningful connections, the event was a testament to the vibrant spirit of the craft beer community. However, one standout moment that resonated with attendees was the empowering keynote speech delivered by Fawn Weaver, the CEO of Uncle Nearest.


Weaver's address served as a powerful reminder of the importance of diversity and inclusion within the craft beer industry. As she eloquently articulated, women and non-binary individuals represent an untapped resource in the fermentable community. Their unique perspectives, talents, and experiences contribute immensely to the success and growth of craft beer.


Throughout the conference, attendees were inspired to be catalysts for change, advocating for greater representation and opportunities for women and non-binary individuals across all aspects of the industry. Whether it be in front-of-house roles, back-of-house operations, sales, marketing, or beyond, the message was clear: diversity drives innovation, and inclusivity fosters success.


One of the most encouraging aspects of CBC was the sense of camaraderie and support among attendees. From sharing stories of triumphs and challenges to exchanging insights and best practices, the conference provided a platform for meaningful collaboration and solidarity.


As an organization we had several contributions at CBC, first having our DEIJ Committee to speak during Thrive Workshop. They extended the webinar discussion on Courageous Conversations: How to Navigate That Uncomfortable Discussion. This was a Pink Boots Society milestone for a committee to present during CBC. Our Vice President, Ashlie Randolph, was amazing during the panel discussion on Bridging Divides: Forging Strong Connections in A Seemingly Polarized World. President Blanca Quintero gave great insight during two panels, Courageous Conversations and School is Always in Session: Actively Integrating Beer Education in the Taproom.


As we reflect on our time in Las Vegas, it's crucial to recognize the importance of paying it forward. The knowledge and inspiration gained at CBC must not end with the conference but rather be shared and leveraged to drive positive change within our local communities and chapters. By empowering others and amplifying diverse voices, we can collectively shape a more inclusive and equitable future for the craft beer industry.


In closing, CBC in Las Vegas was a transformative experience filled with inspiration, camaraderie, and actionable insights. Let's carry forward the spirit of empowerment and continue to champion diversity and inclusion in every pint poured and every conversation had. Together, we are the future of craft beer, and our collective efforts will propel the industry to new heights. Cheers to the journey ahead!